“Never Tell Me Never”

“Keep sharing…you never know the impact your story will have”

I posted on my Instagram a couple of weeks ago, about a very inspiring video that I came across. It was a TEDTalks video by Janine Shepherd called “A Broken Body Isn’t A Broken Person“. What a lady! I am so grateful for stumbling across her video. The first time I watched it I was in tears and immediately made my Mum and Grandma watch it too…who were both also in tears!

Going through a trauma like mine, it can leave you feeling really alone. There are only a select few people that can even come slightly close to sharing your experiences and sometimes, that is exactly what I have felt I have needed. I have been lucky to connect with people that have had similar experiences and I have made some great friendships with these people. When I watched Janine’s video, it was another one of those “she understands” moments and I immediately ordered her book – “Never Tell Me Never”.

One of the problems I have had since my accident is my concentration levels and I have really struggled with reading. However, I was hooked with this book from the moment it arrived and I had read it in a week, which was pretty good for me…the girl who attempted to read chapter 1 of the same book 4 times when I was in hospital but never got any further….PROGRESS right there!

Janine was knocked off her bike by a lorry. She suffered multiple fractures to her back, her pelvis, ribs, head injuries, internal bleeding..the list is endless. Janine was part of the Australian ski team. She was on a training ride for the upcoming Olympics. Her whole life changed forever from that moment. It’s amazing she even survived, let along achieve everything she has since that day. The book talks about how she rebuilt a new identity, her purpose and how she proved so many doctors wrong!

I felt very geeky whilst I was reading it – underlining paragraphs that resonated with me, sentences that I couldn’t have written any better myself about my situation. It really is such a special book and has inspired me in so many ways. To see what Janine has achieved since her accident, what she has learnt, the experiences she has had – it really is a positive and inspiring read.

I have been in contact with Janine since reading her book – she is full of wise words but one thing she said to me – “Keep sharing…you never know the impact your story will have”. Such a positive message that I am going to remind myself of, every time I post on my blog or Instagram.

This book certainly isn’t just for the people that have been through trauma. There is such a strong message throughout the book that I think everyone could take away from it and that is – NEVER TELL ME NEVER…



Lots of love from,



PS. If you watch the video, I would love to hear what you think of it. AND if anyone reads the book, let me know! X


3 thoughts on ““Never Tell Me Never”

  1. Glimpsing Gembles says:

    Oh wow that sounds great! I am so happy for you that you found her and felt so connected. I will definitely check out the video and the book. Thank you for talking about them. And I really like that – keep sharing – that is very motivating, because sometimes I wonder why I blog, because not many people actually read it! Great post 🙂


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